Why Are Industrial Solid Film Lubricants Used To Maintain Heavy-Duty Machinery?

When you have to maintain heavy-duty machinery that has to run for long periods of time, it is vital to lubricate it with an appropriate liquid or solid lubricant. Today’s machines work under extremes of temperature and pressure, so a mostly solid lubricant is the only means of keeping frictional wear away. Such wear can result in expensive part repair or replacement costs, which can be avoided through an even, thin coating of a strong, durable dry lubricant.

Top Needs for Industrial Solid Film Lubricants

In spite of so many varieties of liquid lubricants being available, why is it that now solid lubricants are highly preferred? The answer lies in their specific qualities, due to which they are suitable for use in extreme environments. It is better to use them than liquid lubricants, which are likely to wash away due to the toughness of the operating environment. Issues such as sealing problems, weight, and environmental conditions can prevent liquid lubricants such as oil or grease from being used in an application. It is in such situations that dry film lubricants better serve the purpose of lubrication and are able to give the necessary protection despite their dry state.

Industrial solid film lubricants have the capacity to lubricate when the temperature and pressure are very low and also when they are very high. In such situations, they serve as an effective alternative to liquids and oils; herein, they effectively minimise friction between moving metal parts and also prevent them from getting affected by rusting or galling. They stay in place in high- or low-temperature environments where liquid lubricants are sure to freeze or vaporise. Using dry lubricants greatly simplifies the lubrication process, as in many instances they are less expensive to use than oil or grease lubrication systems.

In an ultra-high vacuum environment, a liquid lubricant cannot withstand it and is not able to carry out lubrication at all. It can also contaminate the device on which it is applied. They also tend to get oxidised at very high temperatures and can also decompose. In environments where contamination is a main issue, liquid lubricants can be difficult to find because they’ll easily get spoiled by dirt. As a result, their purpose in usage is lost, a problem that can be easily avoided by making use of a dry film lubricant.

When you want to apply a dry lubricant to a particular area, mix it with a liquid and then infuse this mix with adhesive. Put this solution into a spray can and apply the lubricant by spraying on the desired surface. It is also possible to directly apply the lubricant to the surface area, and it will give the same kind of strong and effective lubrication.